8 Books To Level Up / by LionHeart


Blog Advice: ‘If you knew how smart your enemies were, you’d read a book.’ – George The Poet

8 Books which gave me a career advantage

Want a few suggestions on books which shaped my career path?  Okay, here goes… 8 books which helped forge/support my career path!



1.         Reallionaire by Farrah Gray


It’s quite an easy read, so if you’re not really obsessed with reading books as I was (around the ages of 18, circa 2009), here’s a good way to start, and build your confidence. He became a millionaire at 14! 


Gained: Confidence in shooting my shot to companies. Exposed me to a go-getta attitude, created possibilities I could believe in, and reduced my doubt in them too.



2.         The Secret by Rhonda Byrne


Now, I wasn’t always this “Positive Vibes” person, but this book was pivotal in shifting me out of a very dark and self deprecating mind-set during my university years (circa 2010). A very easy read too! Keep an open mind, it’s not for everyone.


Gained: A positive and optimistic mind, which served as a counter to my normal negative thoughts. If it wasn’t for this, I wouldn’t have grounded myself at such a young age.



3.         The War of Art by Steven Pressfield 

This is for anyone who believes in Writer’s Block. You’ll be cured of that belief in 2 – 3 days (that’s how long it takes to read this book, its small and bite size!) My first mentor (Jacob Sam-La Rose) suggested this book, along with the one directly below. 


Gained: The cure for writer’s block, and a determination to keep pushing myself, to be a pro! If you’re a poet, creative or whatever, get this book! It’s helped LOADS of us!


‘A pro is dedicated each day to confront their own self sabotage’ – Steven Pressfield


4.         The Art of Profitability by Adrian Slywotzky


Wanna find multiple ways of earning a profit through a business? Read this. It’s not an easy read, but it’s executed through a gripping story that shows a interesting relationship dynamic between a mentor and mentee.


Gained: Gave my business (@SubjectivityUK), a deeper insight into maximising our profit.



5.         The Icarus Deception by Seth Godin


Firstly… If I lent this book to you, I want it back okay? Cool. Now, I believe I read this around 2015-16, it came with a clinical and charismatic way of speaking to my brain, my doubt and my convictions, which helped widen my hope and confidence in my path’s uniqueness. 


Gained: The courage to push myself without the reliance of what others tell me. A fearlessness.



6.         Switch by Chip & Dan Heath


My good friend, and talented director (Adjani Salmon) said he read this book on the train, and a guy came up to him saying ‘That book changed my life’. I bought it immediately, as no one talks to strangers on public transport in London, absolutely no one. The stories given to back up their words and insights are GENIUS! One of my most recommended books. 


Gained: Tricks on how to change my behaviour patterns, and achieve goals while understanding why I never could before. I also gained how to help others through this.



7.         Awaken The Giant Within by Tony Robbins


Gained: Self Development techniques on how to master my thoughts and behaviour patterns. This is a BIG book in size (450+ pages), the text is small… but the impact is HUGE, if you can resist putting it down that is.



8.         Empire State of Mind by Zack O'Malley Greenburg


Want to take an unsolicited sneak peak into the moves that Jay-Z made on his way to a glorious career? Read this. I’m a huge fan of Jay-Z, and this strengthened that, he’s a mastermind.


Gained: Insight into branding myself, the power of accolades and how to position yourself for better. AND MORE!



Ultimately, each of these presented or crafted a better approach of working, networking, leveraging my talents and more.

One book is not enough, geek out, find ones that resonate and equip you with an arsenal of intelligence, wisdom and a courageous self belief. The gems you’re looking for are untapped, until you read like your ability to thrive is dependant on it. Then act like and act on it.

 Push Yourself To Find Yourself.

 Ps: I have a book you can buy too, just going to throw that out there (it’s half price too!) x